Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve....

Hi Everybody!
Well--it is our last day of 2009..what a year it has been--for me especially. My latest news is that I went to see Dr. Carol this week for an x-ray, and she sent it magically to Dr. Pearce in Memphis. He said that my tarsal bone on the proximal part of the arthodesis is still remodeling quite well. My bone is filling in--I am thinking this is good news!!! Maybe my hardware can be removed in a month or two.....

On a less exciting bottom screw is loose. My foster mom says not to worry-she has lots of loose screws! She says loose screws are like wrinkles, they build character.

So for now we will celebrate tonight at home...I hope all you have a safe and fun New Year' Eve.

I know I will if I can ever get this champagne bottle open! Love, Heidi.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thank You Santa!!

I had a really nice Christmas! Love, Heidi

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The 12 Days of a Heidi Ho Christmas.....

On the First Day of Christmas my Foster Mom gave to me....a Santa Hat and Ho Ho Martingale!!!! ( the collar does have ho ho ho around the middle).

Then you know my foster mom!!!! On the 12th day of Christmas my foster mom gave to me:
12 bully sticks, 11 beef tracheas, 10 rice and lamb sticks, 9 buddy biscuits, 8 CET chews, 7 christmas stuffies. 6 gingerbread MEN, 5 ELK ANTLERS!!!!!, 4 christmas booties, 3 braided bullies, 2 bags of food..and a Santa Hat and Ho Ho Martingale!!!!

WATCH OUT GRINCH!!!!! Love, Heidi