Monday, June 1, 2009

Heidi's Sugery

I took Heidi over to Affiliated Veterinary Specialists today at 1pm. When the tech led me into the exam room, it was just Heidi and myself. I knew she had to have a certain amount of discomfort, so, I picked her up, and put her, in a laying position, on the exam table - I was happy that they already had a fluffy fleece on the table. She was perfect, no squirming or squeeling when I picked her up. What an angel. She and I had several minutes to get to know each other & I am already smitten with this little bundle of pup.

When Dr Beckman walked in, after introducing himself and realizing that he and I had been across the table before (first with my Parents' Flat Coated Retriever with a Radius/Ulna Fracture) then with my own Greyhound for a consultation on a poor hock fix, the very next words out of his mouth were "has this hound been drugged already?" For indeed, Heidi was being my very favorite type of greyhound... VERY calm, cool and collected. ***Perfect***

We had a very thorough conversation about Heidi's problems. He removed the bandage, palpated and flexed the hock then removed himself, and Heidi, for a couple of X-rays. When he came back, we looked those over, and he explained where the problems were.

He took her directly into surgery as I was leaving. The post operative phone call made everything sound pretty good. He was pleased with how things came out, and we can pick her up on Wednesday to begin the next step on her road to retirement.


  1. Heidi your such a good girl for behaving at the vet's office today. I'm sure you were scared but you were a big girl. I'm proud of you sweety.
    Rest well after surgery and get better soon. We are all rooting for you

  2. Heidi's littermates ,Rocket, Shug, Helen all are wishing her a fast recovery. If she is half as sweet as her Siblings then she is one awesome pups. Please keep us updated on her progress.
