Monday, June 29, 2009

Heidi and The Bumble

She must know snowmen aren't usually here in Nashville!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Mini Me!

My foster mom is so silly, and really good and something called "on line shopping." Anyway, she finds this red little greyhound with a Southland jersey {where I broke my leg :-( } and she puts a cast on the leg to match mine. She says when MY cast comes off, Lil Heidi's cast can come off!

In the meantime--the waiting is the hardest part! Come on July 15! Love, Heidi and Mini Heidi.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"T" is for:

Thursday's and Trachea's.......gotta keep that new dental looking good!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Heidi vs the Stuffies

Guess she figured it was easier to be nice!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Sundays are for roaching and relaxing,
this is the life!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I love Saturdays.....

Especially today. I got a box from New York! My Aunt Tina sent me a new blankie, toy, and treats. The treats are very delicious. Thanks Aunt Tina--love, Heidi.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Supper Time..

I got to have my first meal out of the crate.I was so happy I gave my foster mom a surprise ending!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chillin' on a Tuesday

I love my stuffy Arvin got for me. Doesn't this next
picture just make you want to let me out of the crate?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

That bone is here somewhere......

When I look in on her she looks up at me with the bone in her mouth...too cute!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ice Cream!

I got some new pink stuffies today and some ice cream.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hope everyone has a greyt weekend! I have a feeling my weekend will involve a lot of crate rest!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On the Road Again....

Heidi here...tomorrow I am going to the Spa at Grassmere.
I'm having a few procedures; my nails done, facial, porcelain veneers, and a tummy tuck! Not really, just my big girl surgery and a dental. My foster mom says it is all part of being a retired racer. I had my first check up at the surgeon also, I am good to go for another 2 weeks. Yeah!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day.

Thanks to my cousin Ava for the new threads,
playing dress up was fun. This dress really
camouflages my cast, don't you think?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A New Adventure

Hi Everyone! Heidi here.....
I had a new adventure today..I visited Dr. Carol at Grassmere
I had a spot where my cast was rubbing. Dr. Carol fixed me up!
I got padded and taped. Monday I will go back to Dr. Beckman for a check.
Who knew retirement involved so much travel??

Until's crate rest! I'd sure like to know who
invented this crate rest stuff..... until next time...Heidi

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I learned I like stuffies today!


I had my first company new Aunt Susie and Uncle Allen. They were very nice and invited me to visit them when I get better! Sorry my foster mom cut your forehead off Aunt Susie.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heidi is in her foster home

Heidi had a quiet ride home from the vets office (literally down the street) and is checking out the backyard with Lily.

Hey I can see myself in the dishwasher! I AM cute!

Crate rest? What is crate rest???

Stay tuned.....

Heidi comes out of surgery!

YEA! Heidi appears to have done really well. So far, so good. She seems more upbeat and happy than she did on Monday when we dropped her off.

OK, as a point of interest, we generally do not use E Collars with greyhounds. The dogs are really accustomed to wearing a kennel muzzle, and tolerate them well; whereas, the E Collar can be very disconcerting for them. If, however, a hound licks incessantly on bandaging, the use of a stool guard in combination with the muzzle would be necessary.

I am guardedly optimistic. :)

Ann-Marie met me at the Orthopedist's so that she could get the low down on Heidi's recovery care - though Ann-Marie and Jim have cared for more than their fair share of post surgical dogs. Thank you SOOOO MUCH Ann-Marie and Jim for offering to care for this girl!! Please keep us appraised of her progress.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Heidi's Sugery

I took Heidi over to Affiliated Veterinary Specialists today at 1pm. When the tech led me into the exam room, it was just Heidi and myself. I knew she had to have a certain amount of discomfort, so, I picked her up, and put her, in a laying position, on the exam table - I was happy that they already had a fluffy fleece on the table. She was perfect, no squirming or squeeling when I picked her up. What an angel. She and I had several minutes to get to know each other & I am already smitten with this little bundle of pup.

When Dr Beckman walked in, after introducing himself and realizing that he and I had been across the table before (first with my Parents' Flat Coated Retriever with a Radius/Ulna Fracture) then with my own Greyhound for a consultation on a poor hock fix, the very next words out of his mouth were "has this hound been drugged already?" For indeed, Heidi was being my very favorite type of greyhound... VERY calm, cool and collected. ***Perfect***

We had a very thorough conversation about Heidi's problems. He removed the bandage, palpated and flexed the hock then removed himself, and Heidi, for a couple of X-rays. When he came back, we looked those over, and he explained where the problems were.

He took her directly into surgery as I was leaving. The post operative phone call made everything sound pretty good. He was pleased with how things came out, and we can pick her up on Wednesday to begin the next step on her road to retirement.