Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve....

Hi Everybody!
Well--it is our last day of 2009..what a year it has been--for me especially. My latest news is that I went to see Dr. Carol this week for an x-ray, and she sent it magically to Dr. Pearce in Memphis. He said that my tarsal bone on the proximal part of the arthodesis is still remodeling quite well. My bone is filling in--I am thinking this is good news!!! Maybe my hardware can be removed in a month or two.....

On a less exciting bottom screw is loose. My foster mom says not to worry-she has lots of loose screws! She says loose screws are like wrinkles, they build character.

So for now we will celebrate tonight at home...I hope all you have a safe and fun New Year' Eve.

I know I will if I can ever get this champagne bottle open! Love, Heidi.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thank You Santa!!

I had a really nice Christmas! Love, Heidi

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The 12 Days of a Heidi Ho Christmas.....

On the First Day of Christmas my Foster Mom gave to me....a Santa Hat and Ho Ho Martingale!!!! ( the collar does have ho ho ho around the middle).

Then you know my foster mom!!!! On the 12th day of Christmas my foster mom gave to me:
12 bully sticks, 11 beef tracheas, 10 rice and lamb sticks, 9 buddy biscuits, 8 CET chews, 7 christmas stuffies. 6 gingerbread MEN, 5 ELK ANTLERS!!!!!, 4 christmas booties, 3 braided bullies, 2 bags of food..and a Santa Hat and Ho Ho Martingale!!!!

WATCH OUT GRINCH!!!!! Love, Heidi

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My First M & G

Hi Everybody!!! Today was new for me, I attended my first M & G/Gift Wrapping at Borders.

It really put me in the holiday spirit so all I wanted to do was sing!

Hey! I need more tape over here!

To be honest, I was not very excited...take me home foster daddy! Love, Heidi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Work Out Heidi

Hi Everybody! There is nothing better after a good Zumba work out then a massage....

Except...eating the massager! Wood IS Good...Love, Heidi.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Heidi's Special Day

Now it's my Birthday! Cake and Champagne for my 21st!!

This cake is the bomb!


Then, a trachea dessert! What a greyt Birthday! Love, Heidi.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Heidi

Hi everybody! can you guess what I am for Halloween???

I am a CEREAL KILLER! BWAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! Happy Halloween! Love,Heidi.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Foster Brother Whisperer are getting very will let me have all your,Heidi.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Heidi's New Coat

Hi everybody! I was hanging out with my moms yesterday--we decided to go to Howlington Coat Factory to get me a new coat. It' s been really chilly! We all decided on this reversible fleece Crownover Original...with tie belt to accentuate my very cute waistline and cowl neckline which will also keep my ears warm. As you can see, there is plenty of room for stretching and sitting. I really could be a hound model don't you think? Love, Heidi

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Heidi demonstrates her favorite way to chew a nylabone......

Friday, October 9, 2009

Heidi's Friday Plans

TGIF! Hope everyone has a good Friday. I have already checked out the newspaper for Saturday's M & G schedule, and will be working on my stuffy collection today. Love, Heidi.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Heidi's Rayzzzzzz

Hey Everybody! These are my latest x-rays from Dr. Carol. Pretty interesting huh?
I still have some healing to do, then maybe I can get this plate taken out!

Until then, I'm just chilling! Love, Heidi

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Heidi's Ears

Finally! My foster mom got the ear pose she wanted!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Heidi Flip


First I steal them, and then I collect them! Love, Heidi

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Heidi Pearl

HOWDY Everybody! Heidi Pearl here....sorry I could not make it to the picnic...I had some other "crate obligations" I needed to tend to. My foster mom told me the foster area was rockin' the entire time! Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to help find homes for all the available hounds. Thanks also to everyone who helped raise money so special needs hounds like me have a chance. Love, Heidi

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Heidi 1 ---- Rabbit 0

The Heidi Roach

Here is my scary face roach with a 1/2 twist! Love, Heidi

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Lily!

Today is my foster sister Lily's tenth birthday....I can not image being 10--I am only two!!! Lily has been a very good big sister to me..she watches over me and even shared her cake. We had hats too put we pawed them off. Happy Birthday Lily! Love, Heidi


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tete a Tete

Hi everbody! I am just relaxing with my foster brother Arvin on a Sunday evening.

I hear tomorrow is something called Monday...not sure what that means but since I

am retired I am not going to worry about it....Love, Heidi.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Titan Heidi!

Hi everybody! I am all decked out in my Titan's silk--ready to cheer on the team. I have my pom poms and megaphone too.

My foster mom tells me that my Titan's jersey will be donated to the GPA it can help raise money for other hounds like me. That's ok with me--as you can see, I like the pom poms the best anyway. Think I could be a Titan's cheerleader? Love, Heidi.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Heidi is celebrating the Holiday weekend with her first wrap-less roach!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Heidi Unwrapped--Part 1

Hi everone! Heidi here with some wonderful news. My bone is healing and filling in so I get to have my wrap removed. I get to be "unwrapped!" Here I am, patiently waiting for my foster parents to find a decent pair of scissors...are you kidding me?

Kitchen Shears?? Help Dr. Carol!

The Unwrapping begins.....

Unwrapping and Unwrapping.....

Heidi Unwrapped--Part 2

No wonder my leg felt 5 pounds heavier!

After all that....a wonderful treat for me!

And no...we did not forget Mini Heidi!

Have a greyt night everbody! I sure will...Love, Heidi

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Brief Encounter

It was one of those rendezvous "arranged" by our foster parents.
He was indeed handsome enough. Every girl's crazy 'bout a shiny black hound!
We had a light snack.

We sniffed.....

We strolled....

I really think he would be a good hound to adopt...after me!

Love, Heidi.