Saturday, November 28, 2009

My First M & G

Hi Everybody!!! Today was new for me, I attended my first M & G/Gift Wrapping at Borders.

It really put me in the holiday spirit so all I wanted to do was sing!

Hey! I need more tape over here!

To be honest, I was not very excited...take me home foster daddy! Love, Heidi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Work Out Heidi

Hi Everybody! There is nothing better after a good Zumba work out then a massage....

Except...eating the massager! Wood IS Good...Love, Heidi.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Heidi's Special Day

Now it's my Birthday! Cake and Champagne for my 21st!!

This cake is the bomb!


Then, a trachea dessert! What a greyt Birthday! Love, Heidi.