Saturday, August 29, 2009

Brief Encounter

It was one of those rendezvous "arranged" by our foster parents.
He was indeed handsome enough. Every girl's crazy 'bout a shiny black hound!
We had a light snack.

We sniffed.....

We strolled....

I really think he would be a good hound to adopt...after me!

Love, Heidi.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Doing Chores

Happy Friday Everyone! Heidi here, I had a good day helping my foster Dad do the yard work.

The mowing was sort of fun...but the raking?????

Have a greyt weekend! Love, Heidi

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Feng Shui Heidi

Hi everyone! I decided if I needed to spend lots on time in my crate I should beautify my surroundings...I consulted with Architectual Crate and Crate Beautiful...and came up with a crate I could call my own...fosters dogs take note...small changes can make a huge difference...Love, Heidi

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Thursday Roach

Heidi says "Hang Loose" everyone...Friday will be here soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling Better

Each day I feel more and more like my old I am attacking this ferocious elephant named Babar. I am especially cute at the end! Love, Heidi.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Orange Time in Tennesee

Hey Everbody! Heidi here...the vets office chose bright orange for my leg wrap this I decided to become a Volunteer fan. I've got my scarf, slippers, and a beer and I'm all set to cheer for the Vols. Go Big Orange! Love, Little Orange.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Heidi's Special Trip to the Vet--part 1

Today was the day for my first x-ray since my surgery....

Heidi's Special Trip to the Vet--part 2

*NOTE* A VERY special thank you and job well done to Dr. Carol for these awesome pictures...this blog's for you! Love, the "H" bomb.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ready for My Close Up

Hi Everyone. I'm headed to Nashville this morning to film my newest documentary, Broke Leg Hounds "Gone Wild!" Seriously, my foster dad and I will be taped and interviewed (well, he will be) by film students. We'll be talking about GPA-N and the special needs program. Isn't that greyt!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby it's Hot Outside!!!!

Hey everyone! I am so glad I am inside where it's cool...just want to remind everyone to stay well hydrated, especially before any strenuous stuffy playing. Love, Heidi.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The County Fair

Hi everybody! I must admit I was a little sad foster mom was getting ready to go to the fair, and I could not go. I had hoped to be at the GPA booth--but I'm just not ready yet. My foster mom spoke with the fair judges and it was unanimous! I was given the coveted "Best of (no) Show" Ribbon! Thanks Judges! And special thanks to all of you working the fair so hounds (like me) can find good homes. Love, Heidi.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dr. Visit Tomorrow!

Hi everyone! Heidi here...tomorrow is my re-wrap visit at Dr. Carol's. It will be the first time my foster mom has seen my leg (blog potential here???). She is bringing her camera, no doubt!
As you can tell, I too am very excited about my check up. I hope my leg is finally getting better. Paws crossed for me! Love, Heidi

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Strong Bones

Believe me, if any hound understands the importance of strong healthy bones it's me. I have decided the best way to have good bones is to EAT good bones! Beef one's are my fav. Observe my skill...Love, Heidi

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday Visit

My Aunt Susie and Uncle Allen came over today. They told me all about their trip to Shamrock Greyhounds. I was much more interested in Allen's shirt. It smelled fabulous! Then we were on the floor together and I became putty in his hand! What's a girl to do (sigh)? Love, Heidi